Event: The Other Royal Wedding Reception!

The Other Royal Wedding Reception

Delightful evening had by all. The Soper Creek Yarns “Knittin Club” got together to celebrate the Royal Wedding with tea and cupcakes. Some arrived in appropriate attire for the occasion, Coolio of facebook fame, made a celebrity appearance in a rather dashing Tuxedo. Much discussion of weddings past while the wedding took place on computer. Everyone agreed that the bride was beautiful and the service and music lovely.
Much Fun was had by all.The Wedding Party was knit by the members of “The Knittin Club” Coolio has a facebook page http://www.facebook.com/?sk=messages#!/profile.php?id=100002114973187 There will also be posts on Soper Creek Yarns http://sopercreekyarn.blogspot.com/ and I know that Gwen at “The cat hates my knitting” is planning to post too. http://thecathatesmyknitting.typepad.com/ 

The Happy Couple

Wedding Party on Balcony

Free Patterns: Flowers

Every now and then I need a decorative touch like a flower for a knitted project. Here are some interesting ones

knit2gether rose lesson: http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=icord+utube&docid=710689816789&first=141&mid=7906F69614F9A41EDA207906F69614F9A41EDA20&FORM=LKVR18#

Judy’s pink flower sm (part 1): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_ZDB3Su9Hc

Judy’s pink flower med (part 2): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyZzlcLpuik&feature=relmfu

Judy’s pink flower lg (part 3):  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OllWS53p428&feature=relmfu

Judy’s Icord flower: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPoy9O5BxWw&feature=relmfu

Strawberry and leaf bookmark ( Freckles family):  http://www.frecklesfamily.com/2011/05/finished-it-friday-4/

Ok I don’t do crochet but even I think I could to this daisy…

from aikido daisy (no sound only visual – cool): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jP3G8ddECMk&feature=related

Gallery: Water Bottle Sweater by Susan Sedlak

Water Bottle Sweater

 Posting my FO Friday early as I am out all day tommorrow.

Decided my ever present water bottle needed  a cool exterior.
While rifling the stash came up with a grocery bag of 10 to 15 yd balls in all sorts of colours. These worked up quickly and cost me leftovers. Unfortunately family nabbed them so have to make another for me…. Pink I think, then the boys will keep paws off!

Gallery: Take me with you bag By Susan Sedlak

Take me with you bag – open by Susan Sedlak
Take me along Bag by Susan Sedlak


While working on a portable project, I was looking for a bag that was just the right size.  Needless to say I was like Goldilocks. So irritation prompted me to get inventive again. No buttons on this one, and with a square base it can sit on any surface and not roll around.  The top folds back and tucks neatly under the bag out of the way. I made it of Cotton so it is machine washable.  Just right for sock projects. I like this so much, should make another one!

Find me here http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/take-me-with-you-bag

Book: Wrapped in Lace by Margaret Stove

Wrapped in Lace by Margaret Stove

Darling gave me a lovely book for easter, much better than Chocolate less fattening and lasts longer.

Wrapped in Lace: Knitted Heirloom Designs from Around the World

By Margaret Stove

The photographs, patterns and charts are professional.

It also has a “Key to the Chart Symbols” on the back flyleaf of the book (rather unique).

Unlike many books the photos show the lace project rather than focus on the model or background obscuring the design.

Diagrams are clear and pertinent to the shawl design being described.

I have to admit, the small tidbits of historical information about each type of shawl design and construction, is insufficient to justify the title of Heirloom design. I would have liked more pictures and text relating histoically to the various places these Heirloom design types come from.

That is the only negative I can see in this book and may not be of any interest to other readers. (Other than the erratas)

The main reason I choose this book involves the sections relating to shawl construction. How to make a Circular, Triangular, Elongated Triangular, Faroese, and Shetland shawls.

Erratas found here for Chart symbols, pgs, 51, 73, 76.

I am expecting to really enjoy this book!

Easter keeping the Vigil

I guess I am not a person who really expresses my feelings openly very often.  I am Anglican, and I attend St. George’s Church in Newcastle Ontario Canada. It is a stone church that was built in the early 1850’s, it has lovely Tiffany windows, with beautiful figures from the scriptures in deep reds, blues and golds.  I believe that when it was built the design was taken from a church in England or Scotland.  The spire is tall with a celtic cross at the top and a covered porch over the main doors. I will post a picture when there is a nice day this spring.

This Easter I have been inspired by an experience during the beginning of the Vigil. This year the Vigil was begun at 7:00pm. When I was a child this service was held at 11:00 and finished at midnight (Easter morning) The Vigil is on Saturday and is the period of Christs time in the tomb ending with the Resurrection on Easter morning. I am in the choir, so I am at all the services from Maunday Thursday (last supper Thursday evening) Good Friday (Crucifixion) the Easter Vigil (Saturday the Mary’s going to the tomb to tend Christ’s body) and Easter morning.

The Vigil begins with the congregation waiting outside the church for the Pascal candle to be lit. The Pascal candle is a very tall candle that is used during Baptisms and Funerals. It is lit from flint and tinder. From this single light the congregation then passes light candle to candle and then they process into the darkness of the church bearing the Light of Christ. (There is a service during all these activities).  The small procession of light moves through the church. No one speaks. Seats are taken and the service recommences, the altar was flooded with light from the stain glass window.

 There is just enough light from the candles to read the prayer books and to see the music on the pages. The service progressed and it was lovely. Balm to the soul, we the small choir (only 5 tonight) began to sing the Anthem “The Breaking Dawn” looking up from my music, the congregation at this service is always rather small, we were all sitting up in the choir near the altar. Somehow the sound of our few voices in that large church, the light and the words of that hymn lifted my soul and voice… I find it difficult to express more than this.

I wish you all Gods blessing on this Happy Easter. If this is not the source from which you gather enrichment of the soul, I wish you happiness as well, were ever you find it.

Techniques: Cast ons + (Video Tutorials)

While cruising videos I came across this… Thank you Verypinkknits and Oftroy for posting these great vids :0)

EZ cast on, Provisional, Italian cast on (tubular co) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3KYqhrDFg4&feature=related

(Part 1) 3 colour Long tail cast on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTq5suN3Wcc&NR=1

(Part 2) Latvian Braid from 3 colour Long Tail Cast on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw-vSWDfSMo&feature=related

(Part 3) Latvian Braid from 3 colour Long tail cast on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhE6W2CGfCs&NR=1

Long Tail Cast on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN9cNEozOLc

Casting on the gathered centre of a circle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-fp4BFQac8

Channel island cast on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPbJGGz8k8Q&feature=related

Tubular cast on verypinkknits: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsObEM3iQRs

Italian or tubular cast on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQmkBeKCLSM&feature=fvwrel

I found these interesting, I hope you do too.

Techniques: Socks, another way to pick up heel flap stitches

Thanks to fellow Blogger Nannette of “Knitting in Color”


for posting this link to a video showing a neater way to pick up heel flap stitches.


Handspinning: Where to order fibre and tools.

Here are some sources for Handspinning fibre.

For first fibres I recommend something carded Rovings like Coopworth, Corriedale, or Romney. Don’t go for Top, Sliver or Batts if you are a beginner these are preparations best left for later discovery if you are new at this.

Gemini Fibres:: http//www.geminifibres.com/product/fibres.htm I have bought from these people for years, they have enough fiber to choke a horse, and sell a bunch of different kinds of spinning wheels (Lendrum being a favourite of mine due to number of attachments and versatility) and Forrester Handspindles. If you are going to buy a spindle buy a Linum Series, these, they are a poem, not only beautiful but spin like a dream. I would get a high whirl, easiest to learn with and can also be turned upside down and used as a low whirl spindle. (see other postings for more info.)

Alvin Ramer: http://www.the-wheel-thing.com/products/combs/index.html Alvin is a wonderful wood worker that can fix anything, makes beautiful woolcombs, spindles and other tools.

Louet:  http://www.louet.com/fibers/wool.shtml I recommend their fibre, however I own a louet wheel, it would not be my first choice to own. (I have 12 others)

Wellington Fibres: http://www.wellingtonfibres.on.ca/products.php this is a small producer but I love their mohair and wool blends.

Fleece Artist: http://www.fleeceartist.com/yarns.html I love their colour sense

Cornerstone: http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/cornerstonefibres/canada.html I include this site because they sell Louet and Ashford spinning wheels + fibre.

Basic make your own Drop Spindle Instructions

Ok you want to get Handspinning but cannot source or afford a Spinning Wheel.

Here is help for you. Make yourself a Spindle. Here are the instructions.


and I will find a site for you to order fibre to get started.

See the how to site for spindle spinning instructions.

Previous Older Entries

pastordawn BEYOND CHURCH

progressive visions of christianity beyond church


My Life Off and On the Mat


Prevously known as Kittens with Mittens


Indulging in the delights of spinning, dyeing and weaving, soap making and gardening

Work Even

An American Knitter in Bulgaria

Moments of Peace

Enjoying the little things in life.


Fashion and Hand Knits


Knitting, crochet, food, motherhood, and other general musings in my Likely Life.

Mlissabeth's Musings

six word stories, small stones, haiku, and other poems


ReWOOLutionary Knits

Terras Kreativecke

Alles selbstgemacht