Gio-bike: Update, Harley is home and DS is fine!

Ok, never again! “Harley” our friendly little Gio-bike is home from the Gio Doctor, and my hair is 20% grayer. DS (age 22yrs) drove him home down hwy 2, and we lost sight of him in traffic. Between B-ville and Oshawa, traffic goes 80 kph. We circled around looking for him, he was gone! I was freakin, hey I’m his mom right! Well we gave up and headed home, stopping at Timmies of course. We got back on the road and about 6 blocks from home there was Ben running out of juice and putting along at a slow walk, almost out of juice… question answered can he take it to school, ya but he will have to walk back lol.

FYI: Examine your bike carefully when purchasing!

  • Harley had a problem with is pedals, they were falling off. I understand this is a common problem with this bike. The dealer after a load of song and dance tapped the pedals to the place they attached on the bike, and screwed them on. (It is illegal to ride bike here without them)
  • The smaller kickstand was also not positioned so it could be used, it tipped the bike off-balance. They bent it out more, now it is fine.
  • The fork stand was difficult to use, they have oiled the spring, don’t know it I can use it I was not strong enough before oiling. DH and DS can.
  • I read the literature available on the web, and once the battery gets into the red zone it takes 4 hours to recharge (initial charge is around 12 hrs) this depends on how cold it is outside.
  • Cold weather can also reduce distance per charge by as much as 20%

WIP Weds: Ravellenic Games continue, Handspun Heptathlon

Hello, nice to see you again! Come in sit down, have a virtual cup of tea, and we’ll get caught up :0)

Saturday, Beth and I went down to the Darlington Provincial park on Lake Ontario. We demonstrated Handspinning for Pioneer day. I don’t remember such a hot and humid day as this down by the lake. No we don’t wear costumes while doing these demos, too hot! We do this event every year. It is amazing that the park was so full of picnicing families on summer weekends. Almost all were new arrivals in Canada. I think there is something to be learned from this!

The local fair is coming up so I have to get on the stick with my handspun and knit project. As the games are on till the end of the week, I thought why not.

I bought this lovely stuff at a “The Gathering” spin-in at Port Hope, Ontario.

Seawool: 30% seacell 70% superwash merino 4oz $16.00 Cdn

Seawool by Dyeing for colour fibre Works

Singles Spun on my Lendrum, will be 2 ply laceweight when finished

Very nice stuff to spin! (not true colour in this photo)

I am still working on the new shawl design for the Fall.

It’s my tote around project.

If you would like to do a test knit please let me know in comments and I will e-you the pattern.

Progress with “Harley” my Gio-bike

First driving lesson on “Harley” yesterday. School parking lot end of our street, left turn, ok, right turn, rusty. Stopping where I want, this is a bit of a challenge…
Only real problem, drove two blocks to our house and couldn’t get it onto fork stand. I almost killed myself trying, lol. Kick stand only works on very level surface, not like our driveway.
Said to DH, I’ll meet ya at the coffee shop so you can park the bike ;0)
Life is not always simple.

FO’s 2012 = 51

Patterns from my own Library = 5

WIP’s 2012 =  3 + 1 = 4

Stash used 2012 = 63

Stash Purchased 2012 = 69

Beryl Blanket Hexes =  48

Books = 20

Take Care and cya next Friday, we’ll do Coffee

For links to my blogwalk  come join me in the blogpond :0)

WIP Weds and Friday’s at Tami’s

pastordawn BEYOND CHURCH

progressive visions of christianity beyond church

My Life Off and On the Mat


Prevously known as Kittens with Mittens


Indulging in the delights of spinning, dyeing and weaving, soap making and gardening

Work Even

An American Knitter in Bulgaria

Moments of Peace

Enjoying the little things in life.


Fashion and Hand Knits


Knitting, crochet, food, motherhood, and other general musings in my Likely Life.

Mlissabeth's Musings

six word stories, small stones, haiku, and other poems


ReWOOLutionary Knits

Terras Kreativecke

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