FO Friday: The Ravellenic Games 2012 Finishing up with the Handspun Heptathlon

The Olympics are drawing to a close, as are the Ravellenic Games 2012.

My final event the Handspun Heptathlon is done!


Seawool: 30% seacell / 70% Superwash Merino

On the swift

2ply fingering 16wpi, 172yds

Lendrum Handspun seawool singles

My Single Treadle Lendrum Spinning wheel

swift by Alvin Ramer of colbourne, ontario Cda

My Swift by Alvin, he also does beautiful woolcombs

Now to get ready for the Orono Fair, in September.

The question was asked “What do you plan to do with your skein”

This year it will be for the Handspun skein entry in our local fair. Next year probibly Handspun Artical, probiby a shawlette. We live about an hour east of Toronto. Our local fair is a traditional Canadian country fair, with sheep shearing tractor pulls fruit and veg judging, Jams, jellies, pies etc. On Sunday my spinning group “The Durham Handspinning Guild” meet to spin for the public in the “Bunny Barn”. We are there from 10 – 4:00 if you would like to join us, knitters are welcome :0)

FO’s 2012 = 51 + 1 = 52

Patterns from my own Library = 5

WIP’s 2012 = 4 – 1 = 3

Stash used 2012 = 63

Stash Purchased 2012 = 69 + 8 = 77

Beryl Blanket Hexes =  48

Books = 20

Take Care and cya next Wednesday,

WIP Weds and Friday’s at Tami’s

For links to my blogwalk  come join me in the blogpond :0)

FO Friday: The Finish Line and racing forward on a wip

Done all done! I have been working away on the Ravellenic Games 2012 for team teamcarryalongkalgals2012.

Tada, finished Wingspan in 20hrs, 53mins, with Total of 76 beads (an extra bead at the tip of the wings at the top edge) Cast on during the torch lighting, finished Wednesday night at 10:25pm EST. I might add this is only knitting time, not including sleeping, eating, trips to the emergency vet (Jack is back to his cuddly normal self), weddings, etc. For more details see the last couple of posts!

Wingspan with beads!

Wingspan with beads on 78st.

Entered as Eventcharity:

Will be donated to St. Georges Anglican church to raise funds for wheelchair ramp

charity rowing

Entered as Eventoneskein

of S.R. Kertzer On Your Toes 4 Ply with Aloe Vera fingering


Entered as Eventbeads:


Total of 76 beads (an extra bead at the tip of the wings at the top edge) beads progressed from 5 on the bottom of the first wing, adding one extra on the end of each wing to wing 8 and 12 beads.

Entered as Eventshawl: well shawlette


Entered as Eventstash: This yarn has been in my stash for years :0)

stash medal

Since I finished this so quickly I decided to enter my

Cozy Winter Shawl/scarf
Cozy Winter Shawl
Entered as Eventwips
To enter this category: WIP Wrestling, Work on an existing project. You must not have worked on the project since May 15, 2012. (this certainly qualifies) The project should have been started by you. If someone else started the project, you should have done a substantial amount of work on it yourself before the May 15 cut off.
I started this December 1, 2011, my challenge is to get this done before August 12,2012. Embarassed to say, this is my own design, pattern is ready for publishing, object 90% done. My only excuse is no excuse lol

Oh and my Darling sweetheart bought me this

on Wednesday night, delivered today <Happy Dance>

My very own Gio-bike, it’s electric! Zero to 33 km per hr, it has a bike alarm, storage under the seat, glove box, and trunk.

Weee more trips to LYS, freedom!

If my son is good I may let him borrow her.

I am not allowed to call her “Betzy”, I need some suggestions please…

she is tealish blue :0)

Did you know we have a Garter Snake in the backyard called SSSydney, he’s ssshy…

FO’s 2012 = 50 + 1 = 51

Patterns from my own Library = 5

WIP’s 2012 = 4 – 1 = 3

Stash used 2012 = 61 + 2 = 63

Stash Purchased 2012 = 69

Beryl Blanket Hexes =  48

Books = 20

Take Care and cya next Wed

for links to my blogwalk  come join me in the blogpond :0)

WIP Weds and Friday’s at Tami’s


FO Friday: Let the Ravellenic2012 Kal begin!

This is not so much a “Finished Object” post as a “Fantastic Occasion” post. I have never participated in this event before. Today at 4:00 pm our time, the great cast on begins! I am competing in’s Ravellenic Games 2012, on team  teamcarryalongkalgals2012.

We are working on “Wingspan” in the eventbeads, eventcharity, eventoneskein, eventshawl, eventstash.


For the games 2012 – Wingspan

Pattern, yarn, needles, crochet hook, beads!

Wish me Luck :0) 

And for those who missed it, last weeks Craft Fair

Take Care and cya Weds

for links to my blogwalk  come join me in the blogpond :0)

WIP Weds and Friday’s at Tami’s

pastordawn BEYOND CHURCH

progressive visions of christianity beyond church

My Life Off and On the Mat


Prevously known as Kittens with Mittens


Indulging in the delights of spinning, dyeing and weaving, soap making and gardening

Work Even

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Moments of Peace

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Fashion and Hand Knits


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