Handspinning: Darlington Provincial Park Pioneer Day

2 Demonstrators

Every year at this time, we the Durham Handspinng Guild gather to do free spinning

demonstrations at different venues around our region.

This weekend we were invited to

Darlington Provincial Park on Lake Ontario  30 minutes east of Toronto, Canada.

We have been here many times before, and have enjoyed it greatly.

Unfortunately most of our merry band have other engagements this week end so only we two were available.

It was HOT!  Slightly cooler in the shade of the cabin where we were set up.

The Log Cabin

 Since we had been last time, reptiles had moved in! (in an aquarium) There was a milk snake, a rather grouchy snapping turtle, and several painted turtles.

At this point in our blogging there will be an eductional pause… fresh water turtles are not actually turtles they are Tarapins! Turtles are only found in salt water and on land are called Tortoises. Just thought this may be useful to you some day :0)

Back to the park; there was a wagon and a team of horses that took families on a short tour around the park and craft activities for the children. Most families brought a picnic and enjoyed themselves at the beach or under the trees playing games.

This way to the beach

A really delightful time was had by all!

Watch for Gwen’s post, I’m sure there will be one. She takes great pictures!

FO Friday: Sarah’s Sox! Finetto!

This is an old favourite pattern! Sue’s EZ Toe-up Socks. I have lost count how many pair I have knit over the years.

Most have been gifts for relatives.

Stand on paper, draw foot and measure for custom fit

Sarah is 17 yrs now and due for an adult pair of socks.  Started with a footprint and measured from there.

DGS Confetti Superwash sock yarn

Next step is the yarn, I had this DGS Confetti Superwash yarn in my stash from the trip to Romni Wools.

Knit on 2.5mm dpns.  The nice thing about this pattern being toe-up,

I just follow the paper footprint till the foot is wide enough, then knit to the heel line (this is at the ankle bone)

and use waste yarn to knit 1/2 the stitches that will become the heel.

Continue knitting to double the length of  the foot ( if toe to ankle is 7″ then toe to cuff should be 14″)

When the sock is finished pick up the stitches on the waste yarn and knit the heel.

The heel is the spot my guys always seem to wear out, so this construction method is great around my house!

Sarah seems to be very pleased, she has really narrow feet and these fit perfectly.

For mored fabulous finished fridays visit our friends at tami’s blog!

Sarah's Socks

WIP Weds: Sarah’s custom socks continued

I am on a deadline for these socks as my niece is returning home a week earlier than planned.

Should not be a big problem as one is done and am 3/4’s of the way through the other.

Sarah's Sox part 2

For further details on this project see last WIP Weds post. For more WIP Weds see Tami’s Blog.

Thanks for visiting see ya Friday!

Book: Toe-up 2-at-a-time socks by Melissa Morgan-Oakes

Delightful book! Excellent pictures, ring bound (I like being able to open the book and lay it flat, saves the spine makes the book last longer), great step-by-step instructions, 15 patterns included for all family members from baby to men’s. Instruction are given for a traditional gusset heel, short rows, and heel cup and flap.

I found the toe to gusset formula a little confusing at first, required some work with a calculator.

Erratas found here pgs 105, 144

Recommendation: Excellent Book, I would buy it just for the patterns. I might not knit all my socks 2-at-a-time, but I like her approach!

FO Friday: The end of another week

Look what came in the mail. This is not really an FO, so much as an event I am entering my FO’s in.

Orono Fair Book 2011

Every year around this time I open the Orono fair book to compare the list for competition to my finished treasures.

This has been a busy year! I will keep you updated as to entries and results, woot! For the real FO’s swing by Tami’s Blog!

WIP Weds: Socks a great small travel project

Not that I’m going anywhere in particular, but my small pencil case fits neatly into my bag. I purchased this yarn on my trip to  Romni Wools last Weds

DGS Confetti Superwash

I am making Sue’s EZ Toe-Up Socks, using DGS Confetti superwash sock yarn.

My niece is visiting from the states. While I have the opportunity I drew an outline of her foot to make the socks made to measure.

The foot print

I usually make the sock the same length from the toe to the heel as from the heel to the
top so they don’t slide down the leg.
The golden rule for body measurements says that at
the  point of your leg that is the same measurement from your toe to your ankle bone, will be the point at which your calf begins to signifiantly
flare out. In this case toe to ankle bone 7″,  (note the waste yarn at this point) therefore total lenght of sock measured along top of foot, from toe to cuff 14″.  Heel added after.

Sarah's socks so far

Thus socks need to end at this point (mid-calf) or at the top of the calf muscle (knee sock). So if your socks sag try it out, this works for me!
For more WIP Wed visit our friends a Tami’s Blog, thanks for stopping by see you Friday!

Event: Family and Friends Reunion!

The 55 of us!

What a great time we had. Yes it was hot and I mean hot! Luckily the house was cool so everyone kinda circulated in and out. 55 people showed up which was 1 more than the last reunion, 2 years ago. The children really enjoyed playing together, some of them were only babies at the last reunion. Aunt Joyce (my mom) got the kids an enormous bubble making set, it was a big hit with the small fry.

Kids enjoying bubbles taken by Erin

The meal was Potluck and as usual abundant. By the by, the pictures I am posting were taken by my cousin Doug’s  very talented children, Erin 9 yrs old and Calvin who is 6 yrs old. For those who were to ill to attend we missed you and hope you will be there for 2013!

Calvin took my favourite photo, interesting to see what a 6 year old sees.

Calvins photo of the park

Gluten-free Review: What to take for a Potluck

Cool new logo!

I want to open with a thank you to Oshawa Ogre for my new logo! Kittens with Mittens goes Gluten-free :0)

Here is a recipe that is an old family favourite Ambrosia Salad or 5 Cup Salad.

Simple and inexpensive…

This is the 10 cup version that went to the family reunion last weekend

Recipe: note 5 cups, 5 ingredients, easy to remember when shopping!

1 cup Mini Marshmellows

1 cup Dried Coconut (sweetened or unsweetened)

1 cup Sour Cream

1 cup Mandrin Oranges (1 can)

1 cup Pineapple Tidbits (1 can)

Mix together, fridgerate for hour before serving.


Gardening Report: Houston we have a problem!


The attack of the killer tomatoes, Jose is in there somewhere!

Frame 1: Maybe I planted too many tomatoes...


Frame 1: Jose is hidden under the ever expanding Tomato patch!

Frame 1: The plants are just covered in green soon to be rippening  Tomatoes. We are going to have to adopt some out.

Sweet 100's looks like we will have thousands!

I planted 5 varieties and boy this has been the year to grow tomatoes.

Frame 1: Pink Lady Tomatoes

Last year they were pityful and almost no survivers.

In Frame 2, the carrots and onions are just about hopping out of the ground and I am thinking of making Lavender bottles for gifts.

Frame 2: Carrots, Onions and Lavender


And Frame 3, the beans to be named later. (ala Baseball)
I have planted to more hills of the dwarf but nothing yet.

Frame 3: Lima Beans (disguised as Butter beans) and Dwarf Beans

FO Friday: Finished the Hats

Well both little sweaters have their hats.

Decided to add a Daisy button to the hat.


Yellow and White 5 Hour Sweater with daisies


A friend is taking this one to Hungary for a baby that is exspected there soon.

Blue and White 5 Hour Sweater

For more delightful “Finished Objects” see Tami and friends

Thanks for visiting see you next week.

Previous Older Entries

pastordawn BEYOND CHURCH

progressive visions of christianity beyond church


My Life Off and On the Mat


Prevously known as Kittens with Mittens


Indulging in the delights of spinning, dyeing and weaving, soap making and gardening

Work Even

An American Knitter in Bulgaria

Moments of Peace

Enjoying the little things in life.


Fashion and Hand Knits


Knitting, crochet, food, motherhood, and other general musings in my Likely Life.

Mlissabeth's Musings

six word stories, small stones, haiku, and other poems


ReWOOLutionary Knits

Terras Kreativecke

Alles selbstgemacht