Happy Easter to all!

easter 1

The Fix is in!

knitting with cat

There are times when you agree to stuff and you end up thinking you should have your head examined!

A good friend at church had a little problem, that wasn’t so little. She was knitting this lovely little cardigan for her great grandchild and something went wrong.

Having sewn in one sleeve and the right side up. The other however was sewed up without the sleeve. This is were the trouble began.

I must say that this very experienced knitter is a very exceptional seam sewer! While trying to open the seam at the shoulder to insert the sleeve, things went pear shaped.

I have to admit I would most likely have thrown in the towel. While trying to remove these very well concealed stitches 3 or 4 edge stitches in the front panel got snipped. Luckily the back was fine, however a hole 9 stitches deep and 5 rows long developed… Yup! 

The final row wouldn't come out smoothly when grafted. The stitches were too mangled. I figure a blind man would be happy to see it. Matched the colour and patched the 10 st across, knitting the side stitches seamlessly on the right side. the 7 rows join up and lay smoothly below.  Fixing a patch against an open edge was a first for me and a little nerve racking. Very pleased with the overall result :0)

The final row wouldn’t come out smoothly when grafted. The stitches were too mangled. I figure a blind man would be happy to see it.Starting from the most secure stitches at the bottom of the hole, I matched the colour and patched the 10 st across, knitting the side stitches seamlessly on the right side. The 7 rows join up and lay smoothly below.
Fixing a patch against an open edge was a first for me and a little nerve racking.
Very pleased with the overall result :0)

Remember my post on mending? Well I went back and forth three sides of the hole, using the most stable stitches. The tricky part is working a patch against an open edge. Wasn’t holding a lot of hope that this would work out. 

Finished it up by fixing the shoulder seam and inserting the sleeve. Then with a long thread secured the underarm leaving 1/2 the yarn to sew the sleeve, and the other half to mattress stitch the side seam. Then returned to the under arm to continue to sew the sleeve together.

Finished it up by fixing the shoulder seam and inserting the sleeve. Then with a long thread secured the underarm leaving 1/2 the yarn to sew the sleeve, and the other half to mattress stitch the side seam. Then returned to the under arm to continue to sew the sleeve together.

Visualize, visualize, visualize, work at it till it looks as you see it in your mind. Be optimistic and plaster a smile on your puss!

Finishing advice:

I am a great advocate of sewing knitted garments together with the outside facing you. Follow the rows on either side to make a straight and seamless line. When working a shaped edge, I lightly pin (Coiless pins preferably plastic) the front and back, then working as smoothly as possible, easy the pieces together using the closest stable stitch to fit them together. Really important to match increases or decrease where possible. This is so much easier on the front side of the work. A knitting teacher once told me “That sewing it together right side out and seam to seam, made for a better finish as you can see what is actually happening. You don’t wear sweaters inside out. If you sew it together inside out, the inside will look lovely, but the outside will look like you sewed it together inside out!”

Part of my family is Catholic, so for the each of the children’s first communions I have made them a Rosary. Only one more to go after this. Finally finished this one. Thank goodness the other side isn’t, I would have 18 more to do! The Protestant side is very prolific!

I also do Protestant Rosaries. For those that are interested in this meditative prayer practice.

This is a Catholic Rosary for my cousins daughter. Catholic uses 5 decades of 10 beads.

I also do Protestant Rosaries. For those that are interested in this meditative prayer practice. I am considering making some for my Etsy shop.

This one is mine. Note that the Protestant version of the Rosary has fewer beads.

This one is mine. Note that the Protestant version of the Rosary has fewer beads. 4 wks of 7 beads.

If anyone is interested in Rosaries, let me know in the comments and I will provide links for making and use of both kinds.

WIP List = 9

  1. EZ’s Baby Surprise Jacket – Fb/Kal
  2. Zuzu’s Petals
  3. His/Hers Socks
  4. Cabled Hood with Pockets 
  5. Sea of Dreams Blanket
  6. Isla lace Pillowcase edge  
  7. Rose Harbour Shawl 
  8. My Fair Cardi 
  9. Simplicity Lace Scarf   Kal/feb2015 

FO’s 2015 = 8 + 1 = 9

WIPS 2015 = 9

Long-term Projects = 4

 Stash Used 2015 = 13

Yds of Handspun 2015 = 0

Sewing FO’s 2015 = O

Books 2015 = 5

cya next week :0)

I’m off on to my blogwalk

come join me in the blogpond :0 

I also have a Ravelry shop and an Etsy shop!

for my Literary blog, see Totally Austentatious.

Dramatic Renewal of Purpose

Renewal of Wedding Vows 

Our Wedding Day June 2, 1984. You must be getting tired of this picture, but I wanted to show the then and now :0)

Our Wedding Day June 2, 1984. You must be getting tired of this picture, but I wanted to show the then and now :0)

When we met with the Rector to discuss the service, he asked if we wanted to go with our own vows or to go with the new book of common prayer or the old. It seemed to me that we should use the service that we used 30 yrs ago as it has worked for us so far ;0) 


We all met at St Georges Anglican Church at 1:00 pm on Saturday.

St. Georges Anglican Church, Newcastle, Ontario, Canada

St. Georges Anglican Church, Newcastle, Ontario, Canada

We were lucky that our original Best Man was available, and my son stood up with me as my Man of Honour. He and my father also did a readings. 

My Father and Son.

My Father and Son.

My boutique


We adjourned to our home for a potluck BBQ, and celebration.

All and all a heart warming event shared with dear friends and family.

A lovely gift of flowers from dear friends who could not come.


Also finished my sweethearts Clog Socks as an anniversary gift. 

Special feature: Simple texture design goes down the back of the heel.

Special feature: Simple texture design goes down the back of the heel. He really likes them :0)

I think we are good for another 30 years. Oh, my Husband and his friends are now referring to me as the 2nd wife…

WIP List = 9

  1. Left over Cowl started feb 23/14
  2. Cabled Hood with Pockets Started Sept 27/13
  3. Foots First Sox My design Started Jul/11
  4. Sea of Dreams Blanket 85% done started Mar 9/13
  5. Isla lace Pillowcase edge  60% done started June 18/13
  6. Rose Harbour Shawl 85% done started Jun 28/13
  7. Butterfly’s shawl in blue – started Jan 30/14 Test knit
  8. My Fair Cardi Started Apr 8/14
  9. Simplicity Lace Scarf  
  10. Clog socks – for DH as Anniversary gift

FO’s 2014 = 26 + 1 = 27

WIPS 2014 = 10 – 1 = 9

 Stash Used 2014 = 51 + 1 = 52

Ravellenic 2014 FO’s =  8

Yds of Handspun 2014 =

Sewing FO’s 2014 = 

Books 2014 = 13

Thanks again cya Friday :0)

I’m off to visit Tami’sthen on to my blogwalk

come join me in the blogpond :0

It’s been 30 years

Our Wedding Day June 2, 1984

Our Wedding Day June 2, 1984

Yes my sweetheart and I have been married 30 years.

We have had both sickness and health.

It has been a good life so far, we have traveled, we have worked hard for a  comfortable place to live, and had a son we are both very proud of. We have many close friends, and are very blessed that the parents that we both brought into this marriage are still with us.

Very year, I have been more and more aware that the critical decision to say “I do” so long ago, was the best decision I ever made. 

At 23 yrs old, the age my son is now, I made a life choice that has rewarded me in so many ways through out the years.

I want to Thank my Darling Husband for being my partner in life. I hope we will be blessed with many more happy years together.

In the Midst of Death there can be life…

This has been quite a week. 

Donald Kenneth “Ken” Bromley

Last week a Kenneth Bromley a close friend of our family passed away. He had been very ill for sometime. He called this wife to his side and told her he was going home. He left this world shortly there after. He was surrounded by those that loved and cared for him. He lived a very full life of service to the community, he was a WW-ll veteran and as a valued member of the Police force. My thoughts and prayers are with Marilyn his wife of many years and a dear fibre friend, and her family. The Funeral is today, we will be celebrating his life in the sure knowledge that he is now free of worldly cares and is at peace.

In the midst of sorrow another fibre friend has brought a new life into the world. Born just after 5:00 am on Monday. Shawna and Dawson are doing  just fine.

Blessings to all!

You don’t even realize how messed up Christianity is.

By the means of Grace, acceptance is all that is required and even that is not really necessary.

To the Woman Behind Me in Line at the Grocery Store

Some people are a blessing. If only I have the wit to rise to the occasion when the opportunity offers itself.

My Patronus Is Coffee

Dear woman behind me in line at the grocery store,

You don’t know me. You have no clue what my life has been like since October 1, 2013. You have no clue that my family has gone through the wringer. You have no clue that we have faced unbelievable hardship. You have no clue we have been humiliated, humbled, destitute.
You have no clue I have cried more days than not; that I fight against bitterness taking control of my heart. You have no clue that my husband’s pride was shattered. You have no clue my kids have had the worries of an adult on their shoulders. You have no clue their innocence was snatched from them for no good reason. You know none of this.

What you do know is I tried to buy my kids some food and that the EBT machine was down so I couldn’t buy…

View original post 544 more words

Merry Christmas: 4 more sleeps :0)

Nativity 2

Wishing you all  very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

Still working on a few last minute odds and ends. The Boyz are baking, the Furry children are napping, and I am writing to you, and contemplating the gifts that need wrapping. This has been a busy year, my son graduated University, and promptly went back to college. He also managed to become bionic, having a titanium collar bone installed after a very nasty break running for the bus on his way home from his first day of work. The Job is going splendidly despite the rough start. My Husband and I continue to do well. I am still waiting for some medical tests, but they are in no hurry so we will take this for a good sign. Jack and Willow continue to live the lives of riley, napping, eating, cuddling and getting into trouble. We were pleased to attend two weddings this year.  We also attended my Aunt’s  funeral, she will be greatly missed.

This year has been full of knitting, some sewing and many fibrey events with my dear fibreholic friends. What fun! All that remains for me to say is thank you for your interest and support. I have enjoyed this years Blogging and hope you will come back next year to see what mischief I can get into.

Northman Mittens 

These are my holiday project, I am just put-putting away on them, no hurry :0)

These are my holiday project, I am just put-putting away on them, no hurry :0)

Buttermere  My Kal for Dec most likely finish in Jan

Almost ready for the lace edge, woohoo!

Almost ready for the lace edge, woohoo!

Last Minute Mittens 

Little something for a friend I will be seeing in the new year :0)

Little something for a friend I will be seeing in the new year :0)

Current WIP List = 12

 FO’s 2013 =  112

WIPS 2013 =  15 – 3 = 12

 Stash Used 2013 = 99

Sewing FO’s = 4 

Books 2013 =  41 + 1 = 42

Thanks again for visiting,

cya  next week :0)

I’m off to visit Tami’s, then on to my blogwalk

come join me in the blogpond :0)

Find me at my Etsy shop: Willows Pocket and on Ravelry.com  


Event: St Georges Craft Sale

The hall is tucked in the back on the right

The hall is tucked in the back on the right

Well, another highly successful Craft Sale at St Georges Church, Newcastle, Ontario Canada.

Thanks to all the worker bees and to all the visitors and purchasers. We will have that wheelchair ramp in no time at all! Raised $700.00 + :0)


Our bake table, and even more showed up after this photo


We provided complimentary Coffee, Iced Tea, Juice and a treat.


The Silent Auction was a real success, a great response


We also had a Craft supply table with Odd balls of yarn, knitting needles and some patterns. We also had a donation of Beach towels.


This was only part of the stuff the Craft Group produced to raise funds for a wheel chair ramp into the all.

Having a cuppa and visiting. Then back to work!

Having a cuppa and visiting. Then back to work!

FO Friday: Work, Work, Work!


Super busy!

I know it seems a little weird that I’m working on everything at once, but there is method in my madness. I am trying to get an assortment of small things ready in a short period of time. Some of these are good carry alongs, some aren’t.

XL Coffee Cup Sweater (2)

Still have to make a few more of these

Still have to make a few more of these

Drip Stoppers (7)


Cable Braided Head Band

Hahaha, this one was sold right off the needles :0)

Hahaha, this one was sold right off the needles :0)

Untangles (4)

I have one more of these to do.

I have one more of these to do.

 race for Life 2009 chemo cap 

Chemo Hat made from lovely Bamboo yarn.

Chemo Hat made from lovely Bamboo yarn.

And last but not least The Jar! 

5 months of scraps!

5 months of scraps!

Current WIP List (12)

    1.  Drip Stopper   (11 done)
    2. Untangleds (4) done)
    3. Mile a minute afghan 1st crochet project 25% done  
    4. Piles of Smiles socks a new pattern I am working on 40%
    5. Camellia shawlette – A wedding gift (due May 25) 5%
    6. Top Down Swing PulloverBoth sleeves done 80%
    7. Beryl BlanketLong term project  (60 hexs)
    8. Box of Boxes Blanket Long term project  (17 squares)
    9. Easy Peazy Shawlalmost 90%
    10. Ruffle Scarffor the fall Bazaar so no hurry 80%

FO’s 2013 =  53 + 19 = 72

WIPS 2013 = 15 – 3 = 12

Used of 37 purchased patterns from Rav = 8 (29 to go)

Stash Used 2013 =  47 + 3 = 50

Books 2013 = 18

Thanks again for visiting,

cya Friday :0)

I’m off to visit Tami’s, then on to my blogwalk

come join me in the blogpond :0)

Previous Older Entries

pastordawn BEYOND CHURCH

progressive visions of christianity beyond church


My Life Off and On the Mat


Prevously known as Kittens with Mittens


Indulging in the delights of spinning, dyeing and weaving, soap making and gardening

Work Even

An American Knitter in Bulgaria

Moments of Peace

Enjoying the little things in life.


Fashion and Hand Knits


Knitting, crochet, food, motherhood, and other general musings in my Likely Life.

Mlissabeth's Musings

six word stories, small stones, haiku, and other poems


ReWOOLutionary Knits

Terras Kreativecke

Alles selbstgemacht