This Dutch kid is about to launch a system to let the oceans clean themselves

Clean up the Oceans! A small idea can make a big difference. This may not be the only solution, bit It’s a step forward.

Knitting Is A Right, Not A Privilege

Excellent points! The distinction between Handcrafters selling their work and hobbyists, is less than you think. This lady is knitting in Bulgaria, were capitalism hasn’t entirely consumed the garment market and handmade is still part of everyday life.

Work Even

my inspiration my inspiration

An article has been circulating that has fueled a lot of discussion among knitters, entitled “Never Say This To a Knitter. Really, Just Don’t Do It.” What exactly are you never supposed to say to a knitter? You might think it’s a remark about him/her having too much time on their hands, or an ageist joke about who, stereotypically, is “supposed” to knit. It’s neither of those. The author, Anne Miller, argues—and many knitters agree—that the comment she least wants to hear (and does hear, often) is “You should sell your knitting!”

The first thing I noticed is that the article was published by Yahoo! Makers, which is apparently a thing that exists (neat, I guess). The headline is classic clickbait, designed to compel and stir up discussion. But the article’s thesis, that knitters are tired of hearing well-intentioned randos insist that they should commodify their craft, is…

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My collections of knit themed tea cups and cowls are growing!

The YarnEnabler, a friend and co-conspirator!

because wool fixes everything

How’s that for an informative title! And very true, I’ve been on a bit of a binge for my two newest collections! And who can blame me…this winter just won’t quit. Everybody should have a woolie something around their neck and a warm cuppa in their hands!

Now You all saw my rainbow sparkle cowl the other week, remember?


Still loving it!

About two weeks ago I finished another using one of my newest colourways, Hot lips. It was loosely based on a pattern by irish girlie knits, ‘summer winds’



One word for you…cashmere. Oh yes yes yes! Cashmere makes all the fluffy white stuff outside worthwhile! This beauty is extra long to wrap twice around my neck. Love it.

This past weekend I finished yet another cowl. This one out of misti alpaca, my first time using it. Also went with a colourway out of my usual palette. It’s…

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Comparing e-commerce platforms for makers

Current favourite knitting related picture. Very like my knitting spot, except the wallpaper and I never wear white pants ;0)

Current favourite knitting related picture. Very like my knitting spot, except the wallpaper and I never wear white pants ;0)

This artical; How Etsy Alienated its Crafters and lost its soul

prompted me to reblog the following.

First my opinion for what it’s worth.

Yes, I agree with most of these comments.
However No, I am not closing my Etsy shop, Willows Pocket.

I have considered other options, and feel that Etsy is working out alright for me at this point.

I have been a vendor since August 2013. I sell some physical products, but mostly downloadable PDF patterns for knitters.

Overall my experience has been positive. My clients have been both pleasant and happy. The purchases I have made from Etsy shops have been both professional and timely.

So yes, I hear all the negative comments, I understand vendors concern about competition with wholesale non-crafters and I empathize. I would point out that the wholesalers are not necessarily direct competition with all Handcrafters. A unique item will always find a market. I can also add that I am happy to buy my supplies from wholesalers no matter where they are located, and Etsy provides a platform for me to find items not available to me locally.

Someday God willing I may out grow Etsy, but I don’t see it.

As for those that choose to take their business elsewhere, I wish you luck…it’s called free enterprise!

grace dobush

emoji stamps in progress wipAfter more than eight years, I’ve decided to close up my shop on Etsy. Lately I’ve just had more negative things to say about the service than positive, and I figured it was time to put my money where my mouth was and move on. (I’ll probably write something more about while I left later, but Abby Glassenberg — who loves Etsy, for the record —has a comprehensive list of the common Etsy complaints here.)

To find a new home for my handmade shop, I spent the last few days creating this chart comparing ecommerce options for makers & designers. It includes the major craft marketplaces as well as standalone ecommerce platforms that let you set up a standalone shop fairly simply, without needing your own website or host. I also calculated the fees each of the various platforms charge for four separate sales scenarios. I found it very interesting to dig into the numbers and check…

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So you bought a skein (or four…) of yarn enabler wool. Now what?

My fav local indie dyer! Watermelon and Pencil socks, and more, brilliant!

because wool fixes everything

Now you get to knit some super cute socks, that’s what! I’m going to try to address some FAQ and then leave the comments open for anyone who has questions 🙂

First off, thank you thank you thank you!! You guys are amazing, I am humbled and thrilled (my private happy dance is now a public happy dance being done all over town, ha) by the reception to my wool. You.are.awesome.
When I first rolled the idea of being an indie dyer around in my noggin I never dreamed it would be this much fun.

When you order a skein (*ahem* of four!) I get an email. I do a happy dance. I text my husband and pm my best woolie friends and bubble over with excitement. I smile huge and giggle at random times. Then I remember I’m a professional and hunker down 😉

Your wool is dyed to…

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WIP Wednesday: I’m in a hat mood

Winters coming! Knit hats in summer for Canadian winter :0)

because wool fixes everything

My love affair with socks has wained a bit…it was fast and furious and I’m just now coming up for air. Who could have known socks could be so…so…all consuming?! You sock knitters are a special breed, let me tell you!

Don’t get me wrong, sock knitting is still a great interest, but I’ve managed to break away long enough to realized I’ve been neglecting my first true love.


And…winter is coming. Yes it may be +30* Celsius most days! but every good Canadian knows that won’t last much longer. And being a camper, let me just tell you there are many a night I’ve donned a hat around the campfire.

With this in mind (winter is coming! I’d make a good Stark ;)) I decided to cast on a beautiful DK fall hat.

Loch, by tin can knits is a perfect fall hat. A bit lacy, it’s fun…

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Busy baby knitting!

More Baby knitting :0)

because wool fixes everything

There is nothing quite like welcoming a new baby to the family! I’m lucky enough to be aunt to a plethora of munchkins, including a new arrival down in Australia. I’m tickled blue! Of course babies have their own timelines, and I’m a procrastinator, which means I had to knock out baby’s present ASAP!

Enter….the Puerperium Cardigan.


Knit in DK on 4 mm needles, this newborn size flew off my needles!


The pattern calls for 7 buttons all down the side opening, but since I am oh-so-awesome at math I only bought six. Nothing for it but a bit of modification, and because really, who wants to do up 7 buttons on a squirmy newborn anyways!


This is sirdar’s baby bamboo, and while I love the finish product, I have a heck of a time keeping this slippery yard in equal tension and oh my word it takes forever…

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Inspiration Monday – peeping tom edition

Yes! Inspiring :0)

because wool fixes everything

One of my favourite parts of ravelry is watching what my friends are doing. I am a nosy nosy girl, so seeing not only their projects, but also what they are ‘favouriting’ is so much fun! Nothing better than a quick peak to see what’s been catching everyone’s eye lately 😉

Wanna see?

Celtic Cast on Faved blue macaw, which it turns out was a test knit. It’s freaking gorgeous and I totally faved it too!


danskknit Faved up in the air, this adorable cap with the to-die-for button! Yum! (And yeah, I faved it too, lol)


brokenhallelujah Faved wild berries. Stop my feet from dancing! Gorgeousness! I love this! Totally in my favs AND queue now!


shawnamay Added pics to her finished project, leafy baby blanket, and it’s beautiful! I love the leaves


willow4 Queue calendulas, which is just divine. Beautifully airy, what a…

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Modified Haruni for a teacher’s present

This one is definitely on my to do list :0)

because wool fixes everything

Happy Wednesday! I’m pleased to report I survived my Monday, and by the looks of it, Tuesday as well. Hip hip hooray me!

Even better, I have a real beauty to show you guys today! Thanks to a wonderful soul in my knitting circle with a healthy yarn stash, I scored the extra skein of zarina wool I needed to finish the lace on my haruni. Yay! Cheers to Shawna, who just had a baby boy too! Love me some newborn snuggles even more than a new skein of prized wool. I might have popped an egg just by holding the wee fella 😉
…how I love babies, let me count the ways! Thankfully, my own three darlings quickly reminded me how much I love sleep. And closing the bathroom door. And eating with two hands. But…but… I lurve babies sleep! If I tell myself that enough, it might come…

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To the lady ashamed of being pregnant with her fourth

My husband and I waited 7yrs for my son. I can’t count the times I was asked when I planned starting a family, once in a job interview! A family member wondered if we needed an instruction manual.

After we had my son, we were never blessed again. For the 1st ten years or so there were comments about “When are you going to try again” but these slowly trickled off. When people note that we have only one child, I am often informed that only children are difficult adults and selfish people. The view that I am some how broken and that is why we didn’t get a matched set is sometimes implied. People can be so darned rude. Thank goodness for grey hair, I don’t have to deal with the busy bodies that feel it’s their business to mind my business…

Our boy is all grown up now, and we are very proud of him, he is a fine person.

However, recently I had a conversation with a good friend who has chosen not to have children. She feels pressure to explain her choice. Why should she have too? I like dogs, but do I want one? No. I have two cats, should I suggest you need a cat too? Up to you ;0)

Tales from the Mommy Trenches

I met you in the elevator on my way back from the pediatrician’s office. It was just me and Wren, and you looked at her fondly in her stroller. When the elevator doors opened, you very kindly held the doors open for me. As I clumsily maneuvered the stroller past you, I accidentally ran over your foot. “Don’t worry about it,” you assured me over my profuse apologies. “I have three children myself,” you revealed to me. My eyes traveled to your big belly. There was an awkward pause as I wondered if I could assume she was pregnant. “And I’m expecting my fourth,” you admitted. “Congratulations!,” I tell her. “That is wonderful!” I see the relief spread across her face. “Thank you!” she says, and I could tell she meant it. “You have no idea how many people offer their condolences when they find out this is my fourth…

View original post 641 more words

Previous Older Entries

pastordawn BEYOND CHURCH

progressive visions of christianity beyond church

My Life Off and On the Mat


Prevously known as Kittens with Mittens


Indulging in the delights of spinning, dyeing and weaving, soap making and gardening

Work Even

An American Knitter in Bulgaria

Moments of Peace

Enjoying the little things in life.


Fashion and Hand Knits


Knitting, crochet, food, motherhood, and other general musings in my Likely Life.

Mlissabeth's Musings

six word stories, small stones, haiku, and other poems


ReWOOLutionary Knits

Terras Kreativecke

Alles selbstgemacht