WIP Weds: Soper Creek Yarns “Yarn Challenge”

It’s that time again “The Yarn Challenge” at Soper Creek Yarns. The parcel has been acquired, contained therein a list of the challenge rules and 4 balls + 1 optional zip ball. The Challenge commences!

First the rules:

The yarn: Berroco Weekend

Chocolate, Taupe, Teal, Rust, and Cream

4mm dpns, 2 1/4″ cardboard disc and + 2 somethings that would give away what I am making and my favourite tool.

I don't know what this is called, but it has a hook at one end and a cable needle at the other end.

The teaser

No more info till the great reveal March 20th 

Well see ya Friday, take care :0)

FO’s 2012 = 11

Patterns from my own Library = 3

WIP’s 2012 = 7 + 1 = 8

Stash used =  15

Stash Purchased 2012 = 13

Books = 11

Visit Tami’s blog, Keep Calm and craft onKnit happy and Yarn along for more really neat stuff!

OOh if you are having a bad day remember the 29th only comes every 4 years :0)

Happy Birthday to any Leap Babies out there!

Funny! What happened when 4 Old Ladies got in an accident.

Very Funny voicemail message of man witnessing accident while on the phone!

FO Friday: Knitting as Therapy

It’s friday again! I hope you are all well and happy. Life is a little complicated around here. However with knitting and reading, the world continues to turn, and the concerns of today will pass and leave lovely Finished Objects in there wake.

I continue to plug away on my “Abigail Vest

Arc mittens

Arc Mittens

by Peggy O’Grady

published in Interweave Knits Accessories 2011

Review:  Once I figured out what they where aiming for it was fairly simple to knit these. However I would not recommend them for fit, with all the shaping at the back of your hand they don’t really fit properly. I would also use M1R & M1L rather than RL1, LL1 shaping they recommend. Looks almost the same, less gathered, lays flatter.

Books: If you have read this

Then I highly recommend this!

Mr Darcy takes a Wife by Linda Berdoll

I have read several sequels to Pride and Prejudice, I think this is my favourite.

FO’s 2012 = 11

Patterns from my own Library = 3

WIP’s 2012 = 7

Stash used =  15

Stash Purchased 2012 = 12

Books = 11

Visit Tami’s blog, Creative Friday , 2012 stash challenge, and Wonderwhygal for really neat stuff!

WIP Weds: Use 12 patterns from my own library in 2012!

Hello all,

This last week I have been reflecting on projects past. Looking at my many books, magazines and knitting leaflets, it has come to my attention that the majority of my projects in the last year have been from the web. I have decided that it is time to make use of my own library! Yes I continue to buy magazines, pamphlets and knitting books.  So I am going to make 12 things this year from patterns I already have. So I have added a new list to my totals. To begin this project, I started to count AFO (Already Finished Objects) 2012,   1) Sue’s EZ Toe-Up Socks  2) Coffee Cup sweater #4

3) “Arc Mittens

 by Peggy O’Grady

published in Interweave Knits Accessories 2011

Mitten 1

I also continue to plug away on my “Abigail vest

Almost half way there!

FO’s 2012 = 10

WIP’s 2012 = 7

Stash used =  14

Stash Purchased 2012 = 12

Patterns from my own Library = 2

Books = 10

Hop over to Tami’s blog and Yarn along for more amazing stuff

Winterlearn, Spinning in the snow on Saturday Feb 18th.

Durham Handspinning Guild

Event: Winterlearn Feb 18, 2012

Gwen and I demonstrating handspinning in Newcastle

The first Handspinning event of the year, and a snow storm. We where delighted to find a nice warm spot in front of the fireplace at the Newcastle Public Library. We have demonstrated Handspinning at this annual event for several years. It was our pleasure to attend again this year. The snow storm in the morning made us think the attendence might light, however more families showed up than we have had for a few years. Gwen was showing the little ones how to spin on the spindle, and I used the spinning wheel.

A great time was had by all!

FO Friday: So what happened to winter?

I can’t believe it, this time last year my backyard looked like this

This year my backyard looks like this.

Winter Feb 2012

Irony is, posting this on my blog and having it snow all day saturday then turn sunny clear and white, now that’s irony!

 Wishing for spring, so my FO this week is an anticipation of Easter.

Yes a bunny!

Easter Bunny

FO’s 2012 = 9 +1 = 10

WIP’s 2012 = 7

Stash used = 13 + 1 = 14

Stash Purchased 2012 = 10 + 1 = 11

Books = 10

Hop over to Tami’s blog for more amazing stuff!

Just too funny, do all knitters sound a little like this?

“Sh*t knitters say”

This was sooo funny, seems like most knitters have said some of these things one time or another. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48Tx32hwJ28

WIP Weds: Something a little different!

Yesterday, got a clean bill of health, after having every test known to women! Ok, have to watch the bacon consumption, but otherwise, right as rain… not bad at 19 years with cancer!

Well another busy Wednesday! Craft Group at the church, lunch with the girls, maybe a nap, and Knittin Club in the evening.

But first I better post my work in progress. It started out like any other project… sort of a dark and stormy night story. Choose the pattern Abigail by Cheri Christian, been looking at this one for awhile. It has been several years since I knit myself a sweater, so I thought start with a vest. One of my resolutions was to do more and larger projects, this looked like a good beginning.

Purchased Northern Worsted, began by assembling my new Nova’s, unfortunately the ones needed had a burr in the screw that attached them to the needle. So quick trip to LYS for cheerful exchange of needle tips.  Needles fixed cast on and began to knit, 1/3 of the yoke done and very 5 yds or so there were little picks in the yarn. At this point most sensible people realize there is a message here! However I forged on, hoping that this was only a little of the ball, 2/3’s of a ball later, but nope. Had to frog it and start all over. So back to LYS who cheerly exchanged disappointing yarn (which I am sure was a one off as I have used this yarn many times before), and to figure something else out.

Berroco Vintage Heathered Purple

Not wanting to take any more chances, I went to my fall back yarn Berocco Vintage, just love this stuff, and to smooth the ruffled feathers decided on favourite colour purple. Things are now going much better! I am almost back to where I was. I guess I should have listened to my knitting instincts to begin with.

Abigail Vest

For those who have been following the Three Tams progress, A and B are done and C is on the way, maybe next week. I needed a break and couldn’t decide what colour to make the last one.

This weeks book report: Began reading “The Haunted Monastery and The Chinese Maze Murders” by Robert van Gulik, Books #6 and #2, another six murder mysteries solved by Judge Dee. Published in 1961 and 1950.

Well hope you have all had a lovely Valentines day with the people you love. My sweetheart and I are going out for dinner later, and he bought me a romantic movie which he promised to watch with me :0) Find pattern here.

Little heart made for my sweetheart, he loved it!

FO’s 2012 = 9

WIP’s 2012 = 7

Stash used = 13

Stash Purchased 2012 = 10

Books = 10

Hop over to Tami’s blog Frontier Dreams and Yarn along for more amazing stuff!

Happy Valentines Day

For my Valentine, my heart will always be yours :0)

Wishing you all a Happy Valentines day! Pattern for “Little Hearts” found here.

FO Friday: TGIF with Tams on!

 Well it’s friday again, I am currently off having Physio as usual, then a short visit  to my LYS, Soper Creek Yarns. Later shopping and lunch with MiL then home to read all your lovely blog entries, my favourite part of the afternoon.

Three Tams B

This weeks effort Three Tams B went quicker than I expected until I realized the crown shaping was getting smaller too quickly… dah read chart! Decease every 2nd row, so some frogging required! Was worth the #*%&@. I really enjoyed doing this one more than the first one, however I recommend stitch markers at row 26 (every 20 stitches) and remember to s2kp every other row or you too will be frogging. *I was down to 12 st when sanity intervened and the spidey senses told me that something was wrong, I even cut the yarn!* Finished now and like it!

Liddle Pouch

Also completed a little pouch. If there is enough interest in how I made this I will post it for you guys. Details here.

Weekly Book Report:

Currently reading “Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee” by Robert Van Gulik.

I read this years ago. I enjoyed it so much am reading it again. This detective story is written in a more classical chinese form of the genre. An interesting look into a time when the Magistrate was also the dectictive and questioning the accused under torture was common. Only someone who had confessed could be sentenced for a crime. The details of the criminal system are fascinating.

FO’s 2012 = 8

WIP’s 2012 = 7

Stash used = 12

Stash Purchased 2012 = 8

Books = 9

Hop over to Tami’s blog for more amazing stuff!

Previous Older Entries

pastordawn BEYOND CHURCH

progressive visions of christianity beyond church


My Life Off and On the Mat


Prevously known as Kittens with Mittens


Indulging in the delights of spinning, dyeing and weaving, soap making and gardening

Work Even

An American Knitter in Bulgaria

Moments of Peace

Enjoying the little things in life.


Fashion and Hand Knits


Knitting, crochet, food, motherhood, and other general musings in my Likely Life.

Mlissabeth's Musings

six word stories, small stones, haiku, and other poems


ReWOOLutionary Knits

Terras Kreativecke

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